Total Economic Impact™ of BlueVoyant Supply Chain Defense

Seventy percent of enterprise risk decision-makers agree that third-party risk is a business priority. While some companies are well defended, many are not and are constantly exposed to threats in their supply chains. BlueVoyant Supply Chain Defense (SCD) provides organizations with a managed service that identifies, validates, prioritizes, and confirms mitigation of cyber threats and vulnerabilities across supplier ecosystems.

So what are the practical benefits of Supply Chain Defense? Published in April 2023, BlueVoyant commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to find out. In addition to delivering a nearly 300% return on investment for a composite client organization, the survey highlights how BlueVoyant SCD enabled a 65% efficiency increase in risk monitoring, a 70% reduction in suppliers above risk threshold, and 60% reduction in time to remediate critical risks.

Download the Forrester TEI study now to discover:

  • Cost savings of Supply Chain Defense as compared to building in-house programs

  • Business benefits that adding the fully managed solution can grant you

  • Testimonials from those who have used and benefited from SCD