White Paper

Supply Chain Defense: What a Board Needs to Know

Cyber risk within the supply chain has rapidly become one of the most prominent and pervasive risks faced by organizations today, and with the growing attention and expectations of investors, partners and regulatory agencies around cybersecurity, members of boards of directors across all industries should care more than ever about supply chain cyber risk.

A board’s view of their organization’s cybersecurity risk posture is incomplete if it does not consider the third-party connections that make up their supply chain, but what can board members practically do to both reduce cyber risk and address the concerns of investors and regulatory bodies?

This white paper outlines best practices to frame and achieve the goals of broader board involvement, both for cybersecurity-owning executives speaking to them, as well as individual board members seeking to track the progress of their cyber risk programs within their organizations.

Download now to learn how to:

  • Determine the best way and how often a board should be briefed on cyber risk
  • Plan for your next board meeting with practical questions for cyber risk-owning executives
  • Enact simple but effective best practices for reducing third-party cyber risk within your organization