On-Demand Webinar

Scary Cybersecurity Stories to Tell in the Dark

Join BlueVoyant, Microsoft and CDW to hear real life stories of cyber attacks, what really happened, how the bad guys got in and how long they stayed. To protect the privacy of certain individuals the names and identifying details have been changed.

Shaking in your boots? But wait there's more, let us shine a light and show you where you're at risk. BlueVoyant Secure Vision is an assessment maturity tool focused on identifying the capabilities of your detection and protection solutions with the Microsoft security solutions.

Tune in to this on-demand webinar for terrifying real-life stories that will leave you with goosebumps.

Vinny calcite circle 2x
Vincent D'Agostino
Head of Cyber Forensics & Incident Response
Michael Shapiro calcite circle 2x
Michael Shapiro
Sr. Director, Cyber Incident & Response, BlueVoyant
Jeremy Coons calcite circle 2x
Jeremy Coons
Sr. Director, Cyber Forensics & Incident Response, BlueVoyant
David Thomas calcite circle 2x
Dave Thomas II
Technical Solution Architect