BlueVoyant: La Nueva Promesa De La Ciberseguridad Llega a España
July 4, 2018
BlueVoyant Está Llamada A Convertirse En Un Gigante De Ciberseguridad
Esta 'start up' formada por varios expertos de las agencias de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, Reino Unido e Israel llega a nuestro país pisando fuerte. Ya lo dice el refrán: prevenir es mejor que curar.
Se llama BlueVoyant y está llamada a convertirse en un gigante de ciberseguridad. A esta start up recién nacida le ampara su talento, empezando por su consejero delegado, Jim Rosenthal, ex director de operaciones de Morgan Stanley.
BlueVoyant Is Called To Become A Cybersecurity Giant
This "start-up," formed by several experts from the intelligence agencies of the U.S., United Kingdom, and Israel comes to our country stomping. The saying goes: prevention is better than cure.
Its name is BlueVoyant and it is called to become a giant of cybersecurity. This new start-up is supported by its talent, starting with its CEO Jim Rosenthal, former director of operations at Morgan Stanley.